What is perNodis?
perNodis is a project that started a long time ago, when some of us were finishing college and started to work on any kind of different things. That is not a surprise, we were a mathematician, a biomedical scientist, a philosopher and so on. Why we were together, because all of us were involved in a way or another in the design and art world and all of us were interested in new technologies.
After some time, the group started to work on small projects of software and multimedia, and we continue doing software for a while until life bring us apart. On this time, we had the chance to collaborate with international institutions, private companies, and even individuals working on awesome personal projects.
Now we are in a more halted situation. Members are here and there, we still know who we are, but there is no concrete project were we work together any more.
Why we have this page alive? because we believe in what we started, en because we have the hope to do a lot of things together again. In the mean time, we'll try to make of this space a home for memories, reflections and whatever comes to our minds.
Thanks to all the people that made this project possible, customers, friends, family and pets.
San Jose, CA, 2014